Welcome to Experimental Microbial Ecology Protocols

A repository of protocols associated with Experimental Microbial Ecology (see here www.emeh.info for a description of what this is).

The protocols first appeared as a supplement to this paper: Supplementary information for Altermatt et al. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.12312 “Big answers from small worlds: a user's guide for protist microcosms as a model system in ecology and evolution” Altermatt F, Fronhofer EA, Garnier A, Giometto A, Hammes F, Klecka J, Legrand D, Mächler E, Massie TM, Pennekamp F, Plebani M, Pontarp M, Schtickzelle N, Thuillier V & Petchey OL

Protocols here will be continually developed. Please see here for how to contribute to this effort.